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We offer 2 different boarding options - stall board and full care pasture board.

Our stall boarded horses are in their stalls 12 hours with a 12 hour grass pasture turn out.  They are fed twice daily while in the stalls and receive a blend of orchard - timothy - alfalfa hay.  

The pasture boarded horses live on our 25 acre pasture with shady trees - arbor tunnels and lots of space to roam around.  They are brought in twice daily to individual feeding paddocks for breakfast and dinner.

All horses on our property receive a wellness check every day.  We can manage special diets and accommodations - our flexibility means we are able to adjust to any situation that the owner and horse needs.

We offer a la carte services to our boarders in addition to our board - horse care options such as hose downs and grooming - and more specific care such as medications and treatments - are all individually priced for owners to have the freedom of going on vacation or simply being busy in their home life - they can rest assured that their horse will be well taken care of.


Training board packages are also available - these packages can be individually tailored to suit the needs of the horse and owner.

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Dark Horse Stables

We are not a rescue center 


We are not a charity 


We are the grey area between riding and not


Phone: 352 227 8145

7031 Lake Erie Rd - Groveland - FL

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